Apex Machine Shop Terms of Sale
- Quote Terms: Due to fluctuating outside service and material costs, prices quoted will be honored for up to 10 days from date of quote.
- Prints & Specifications: Part and revision number on prints provided to Apex Machining Co. MUST match your Purchase Order, as well as our original quote. Otherwise a requote may become necessary, if machining time or materials change significantly.
- Delivery Charges: Shipping and delivery charges will not be quoted unless requested. Price quoted is for a one-time delivery. Delivery charges will be added to your invoice.
A WRITTEN PURCHASE ORDER IS REQUIRED to initiate your order. See Submit a Purchase Order for details.
- Acknowledgment of Order: Upon receipt of your Purchase Order, an acknowledgment of terms will promptly be returned to you indicating our established delivery date. All terms of agreement must be agreed upon by both parts before manufacturing begins.
- Established Delivery Date: Delivery is dependent on our current workload at the time your Purchase Order is received. An estimated delivery date may be stated on your quote; however, an established delivery date can only be determined at the time your Purchase Order is received, taking into consideration our commitment to those who have already entrusted us to complete their work as agreed.
- Payment Terms: Payment is required at time of delivery unless credit terms have been prearranged. If paying by credit card, an additional 3% fee will be added to your invoice.